This week's weekend wrap up is brought to you buy the Phanatic's birthday which is today! For those of you who don't know, I am a Yankee fan by birth. I love the Yankee's! But I became a Phillie phan too as I got older and it started with my love of the Phanatic.
This weekend was one of those that flew by! Friday night we went to the gym and worked out a bit. I ran 3.1 miles on the treadmill with my eyes glued to the tv. CNN had live coverage from Boston and they were getting ready to corner the suspect. We also went to Target to do some shopping, they had some Sims expansions on sale which was nice. I got two I did not have. Then we got Guido and Tobi's birthday presents at the pet store.
Tobi and his catnip dice |
Guido and his new mouse |
Afterwards we had the usually delicious Taco Bell and headed home.
Saturday was house cleaning day. I did laundry, changed sheets, watched baseball, and cleaned the kitchen. The day went by so fast. I thought it was 2pm and it was 4:15! That night we went to Gurnee Mills and got some exercise in walking around. They are preparing the mall for the new Macy's to open in July and other parts of the mall are getting major face lifts! I got the cutest shirt at Kohl's
Can't wait to wear it with some white shorts and my boat shoes.
We love to go to the Lids LockerRoom and see what random sports team items they have. Here is the randomist item of the night.
For dinner we went to TGI Fridays and had the best dinner we have had there in awhile. We got the Trio Dip and Chips, they have hummus!
For main course Justin had a burger and I got the Sirloin Steak, Mozzarella salad, and broccoli, YUMMY!
Sunday mom and dad came over to hang out and for dinner. Mom and I went Goodwill shopping, I got 4 pairs of shorts, a white tank for Color Run, and 2 tops. Dad and Justin installed new blinds in our bedroom since the old ones broke. For dinner I made this meal I saw on the cover of Food Network Magazine:
We had a great time hanging out with them and over all a good weekend. Just too bad they go by so fast!
How was your weekend? Try any new recipes?